DEN Teacher Training Instructor & Yoga Instructor

Jeanne Heileman, MA, 500-ERYT, was introduced to yoga as a dancer and actress. Facing ongoing pain from scoliosis, yoga provided tools for physical realignment and acceptance of difficulties. She has studied extensively in the styles of Ashtanga, Iyengar, Anusara, ParaYoga, Vini, and Tantra Yoga; each adding a new perspective and insight to the practice. In her quest for a deeper and meaningful connection to all that yoga has to offer, she began studying meditation, initially in the Buddhist tradition and eventually on the Tantric path. Her main teachers are Pandit Rajmani Tigunait, the spiritual leader for the Himalayan Institute under Swami Rama and the living lineage of Sri Vidya; and Sally Kempton, a teacher from the Kashmir Shaivism lineage.

Jeanne has been a dedicated meditator since 2001 and has spent months in India on pilgrimages dedicated to her practice. Jeanne teaches with sensitivity, generosity of spirit, and a good dose of humor. A safe haven is created for students to dive deep, find their edge, and transform. She specializes in discovering the needs of an individual and gently guiding each student to their own grace and balance. Founder of Tantra Flow Yoga™, Jeanne brings together over 35 years of practice and over 24 years of teaching experience into a style of yoga inclusive of asana, Ayurveda, mindfulness, with the added focus of one’s radiant energy.

Jeanne is a true gift of wisdom and shared so much with me through The DEN Teacher Training.

- H.J


Whether you want to learn how to teach meditation or just want to take your knowledge of multiple lineages to the next level, this is the program for you!


“The experience and quality in Jeanne's teachings always leaves me in such a good mood."


Jeanne's Tantric teachings have helped me see how meditation can vary with every lineage."
